This 4th edition of the Writing Scientific Guidelines for Student Final Report (Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah/PPKI, in Bahasa Indonesia) is a revision of the previous edition and contains guidelines for writing scientific papers for IPB students, including Vocational, Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral programs. The final document for Vocational students is a final project report on the results of fieldwork. The final document of undergraduate students in their thesis may come from research (experimental or non-experimental), design (social, economic, or engineering), and internship activities. The Master’s student’s final document is called a master’s thesis, and the doctoral student’s final document is called a dissertation. Master’s thesis and dissertation materials may come from the same sources as an undergraduate thesis but with a more in-depth level of study, and specifically for a dissertation, it must emphasize novelty. Graduate students are obliged to publish their findings in scientific journals, but the format is not regulated in this book.
This book can be downloaded through the following link